Tips for Choosing an Auto Repair Shop
With so many motor vehicles around these days one would have thought it would be a simple task to find an auto repair shop. In fact finding an auto repair shop is not so hard; the problem is finding a good one. What constitutes a good auto repair shop depends on a combination of factors among which are prices, customer service and the quality of the work. Here are some tips, which should prove helpful if you are looking for a good auto repair shop.
It is advised that you don’t wait until you actually need a mechanic to start looking for one. When the need for the services of a mechanic arises you should already have an auto repair shop in mind. You will find them in the phone book but looking at an ad and speaking to them on the phone will hardly be a good test of their competence. A better method is to ask around. Co-workers, neighbors and relatives may be able to recommend auto repair shops they have had first hand experience with. They may also tell you which ones to avoid.
You will need to do some detective work as well. A good idea would be to have a checklist of things to check out. Take note of the customer service, how they deal with another customer who may have a grouse about a completed job can be an eye-opener. Note if they seem organized and professional. This may not be easy as the garage area is often restricted to staff only. Enquire about prices if they are not displayed. Do they charge a flat fee or do they charge by the hour? Make a comparison with other auto repair shops. Find out if the auto repair shop honors warranties and if they have warranty programs of their own. Check to see if the mechanics are certified and if they belong to any industry organizations. This could be an indication of their level of competence. Certificates may be displayed but then again they could be fraudulent. Make sure that the facility is secure in case you have to leave the vehicle overnight. Perhaps it would be a good idea to verify if permits and insurance are up to date too.
Finding a reliable and trustworthy auto repair shop is important if you own a motor vehicle. Getting to know the people and building a good relationship there is key, as that would lessen the chances of you being ripped off by unscrupulous people. After all, you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of overpriced jobs and unnecessary repairs. For auto repair coupons be sure to visit Car-X Tire & Auto.