ABS Repair
Anti-lock brakes can stop skidding, avoid accidents and save lives. That’s why it is critical to take care of your ABS with proper maintenance to avoid potentially extensive—and expensive—damage.
Fast Tire recommends maintenance every 24,000 miles (or every 2 years) with a proper flush and fill of brake fluid.
Understanding how Anti-Lock Brake Systems work…
If you every have to “slam” on your brakes, traditional brakes would lock up and cause you to skid. That’s why experts say to “pump” your brakes in those situations. But with anti-lock brakes, there’s no need to “pump,” because they do the work for you. They provide that pumping action much faster than a driver ever could—as fast as ten times per second. Plus, sensors detect which wheel is most likely to lock up and direct most of the action there.
Need to have your brakes serviced?
Make an appointment at Fast Tire today.
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